[omniORB] omniNames: Problem reading 4.0.0 logfile with 4.0.7.

JHJE (Jan Holst Jensen) jhje at novonordisk.com
Tue Nov 28 11:51:55 GMT 2006

Hi list.

I have upgraded our main production COS naming server to omniORB 4.0.7.
In the process, I transferred the log file from the old machine running
4.0.0 to the new machine and expected it to be able to reuse the old log
file (the new machine has the same IP address and network configuration
as the old one, so I would expect it to work, right ?). But omniNames
fails with an "Aborted" message when I try to use the old log file.

I then started up the old machine again and installed omniORB 4.0.7 on
that so I have but 4.0.0 and 4.0.7 on that machine. 4.0.0 reads its own
log file without problems (phew) but 4.0.7 cannot read it. Is this a
known issue ? I have appended trace level 40 logs below.

I ended up manually going through the old log file and creating
corresponding commands to 'nameclt' to re-establish the name server. No
big deal, but a little annoying. Is there by any chance a tool/script
out there that automates this ? It ought to be quite easy to create, but
would of course be even easier to download :-).

-- Jan Holst Jensen, Novo Nordisk A/S, Denmark

Starting up omniNames 4.0.7 un-successfully with the log file:

omniORB: Read from configuration file "/home/omni2/corba.cfg".
omniORB: Distribution date: Fri Jan 13 13:47:35 GMT 2006 dgrisby
omniORB: My addresses are:
omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1)
ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2) UTF-8(1.1).
omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: Information: the omniDynamic library is not linked.
omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB:   DefaultInitRef (file) =
omniORB:   DefaultInitRef (args) =
omniORB:   InitRef = NameService=corbaname::sc9.novo.dk
omniORB:   abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB:   abortOnNativeException = 0
omniORB:   acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB:   acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB:   bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB:   bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB:   clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB:   configFile = /home/omni2/corba.cfg
omniORB:   connectionWatchImmediate = 0
omniORB:   connectionWatchPeriod = 50000
omniORB:   diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB:   dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB:   endPoint = giop:tcp::2809
omniORB:   endPointPublishAllIFs = 0
omniORB:   giopMaxMsgSize = 2097152
omniORB:   giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB:   id = omniORB4
omniORB:   inConScanPeriod = 180
omniORB:   lcdMode = 0
omniORB:   maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 5
omniORB:   maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB:   maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB:   maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB:   maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB:   maxSocketRecv = 2147483647
omniORB:   maxSocketSend = 2147483647
omniORB:   nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB:   nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB:   objectTableSize = 0
omniORB:   offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB:   omniORB_27_CompatibleAnyExtraction = 0
omniORB:   oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB:   outConScanPeriod = 120
omniORB:   poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB:   poaUniquePersistentSystemIds = 1
omniORB:   principal = [Null]
omniORB:   scanGranularity = 5
omniORB:   serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB:   strictIIOP = 1
omniORB:   supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB:   supportCurrent = 1
omniORB:   supportPerThreadTimeOut = 0
omniORB:   tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB:   threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB:   traceExceptions = 1
omniORB:   traceFile = [stderr]
omniORB:   traceInvocations = 0
omniORB:   traceLevel = 40
omniORB:   traceThreadId = 0
omniORB:   unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB:   unixTransportPermission =  777
omniORB:   useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB:   verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: Initialising incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Bind to address
omniORB: Starting serving incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Adding key<NameService> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State key<NameService> (activating) -> active
omniORB: throw BAD_PARAM from poa.cc:1063 (NO,BAD_PARAM_InvalidSystemId)
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 1 has started. Total threads = 1
omniORB: giopRendezvouser task execute for giop:tcp:

Starting up omniNames 4.0.0 successfully with the same log file:

omniORB: Read from configuration file "/home/omni/corba.cfg".
omniORB: Distribution date: Sun Sep 22 22:06:56 BST 2002 dgrisby
omniORB: My addresses are:
omniORB: Maximum supported GIOP version is 1.2
omniORB: Native char code sets: ISO-8859-1 UTF-8.
omniORB: Transmission char code sets: ISO-8859-1(1.2) ISO-8859-1(1.1)
ISO-8859-1(1.0) UTF-8(1.2).
omniORB: Native wide char code sets: UTF-16.
omniORB: Transmission wide char code sets: UTF-16(1.2).
omniORB: Information: the omniDynamic library is not linked.
omniORB: Current configuration is as follows:
omniORB:   DefaultInitRef =
omniORB:   InitRef = NameService=corbaname::sc9.novo.dk
omniORB:   abortOnInternalError = 0
omniORB:   acceptBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB:   acceptMisalignedTcIndirections = 0
omniORB:   bootstrapAgentHostname =
omniORB:   bootstrapAgentPort = 900
omniORB:   clientCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   clientTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB:   diiThrowsSysExceptions = 0
omniORB:   dumpConfiguration = 0
omniORB:   endPoint = giop:tcp::2809
omniORB:   endPointPublishAllIFs = 0
omniORB:   giopMaxMsgSize = 2097152
omniORB:   giopTargetAddressMode = KeyAddr
omniORB:   id = omniORB4
omniORB:   inConScanPeriod = 180
omniORB:   lcdMode = 0
omniORB:   maxGIOPConnectionPerServer = 5
omniORB:   maxGIOPVersion = 1.2
omniORB:   maxInterleavedCallsPerConnection = 5
omniORB:   maxServerThreadPerConnection = 100
omniORB:   maxServerThreadPoolSize = 100
omniORB:   nativeCharCodeSet = ISO-8859-1
omniORB:   nativeWCharCodeSet = UTF-16
omniORB:   objectTableSize = 0
omniORB:   offerBiDirectionalGIOP = 0
omniORB:   omniORB_27_CompatibleAnyExtraction = 0
omniORB:   oneCallPerConnection = 1
omniORB:   outConScanPeriod = 120
omniORB:   poaHoldRequestTimeout = 0
omniORB:   principal = [Null]
omniORB:   scanGranularity = 5
omniORB:   serverCallTimeOutPeriod = 0
omniORB:   serverTransportRule = * unix,ssl,tcp
omniORB:   strictIIOP = 1
omniORB:   supportBootstrapAgent = 0
omniORB:   supportCurrent = 1
omniORB:   tcAliasExpand = 0
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionLowerLimit = 9000
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionPolicy = 1
omniORB:   threadPerConnectionUpperLimit = 10000
omniORB:   threadPoolWatchConnection = 1
omniORB:   traceInvocations = 0
omniORB:   traceLevel = 40
omniORB:   traceThreadId = 0
omniORB:   unixTransportDirectory = /tmp/omni-%u
omniORB:   unixTransportPermission =  777
omniORB:   useTypeCodeIndirections = 1
omniORB:   verifyObjectExistsAndType = 1
omniORB: Initialising incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Starting serving incoming endpoints.
omniORB: Adding key<0x4e616d6553657276696365> (activating) to object
omniORB: State key<0x4e616d6553657276696365> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<268435456> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<268435456> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<285212672> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<285212672> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<654311424> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<654311424> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<1375731712> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<1375731712> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<721747968> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<721747968> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<604110848> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<604110848> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<989986816> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<989986816> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<2919366656> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<2919366656> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<4194500608> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<4194500608> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Adding root/<3003187200> (activating) to object table.
omniORB: State root/<3003187200> (activating) -> active
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: Creating ref to local: root/<268435456>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: ObjRef(IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0) -- deleted.
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: Creating ref to local: root/<654311424>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
[bla bla bla... creating entries from log file]
omniORB: Creating ref to local: root/<3003187200>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
omniORB: Creating ref to remote:
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:novonordisk.com/coolink/data_source:1.0
omniORB: ObjRef(IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0) -- deleted.

Tue Nov 28 11:41:29 2006:

Read log file successfully.
omniORB: Creating ref to local: key<0x4e616d6553657276696365>
 target id      : IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
 most derived id: IDL:omg.org/CosNaming/NamingContextExt:1.0
Root context is
Checkpointing Phase 1: Prepare.
omniORB: createLocalObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: createLocalObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
[repeating above a few times]
omniORB: AsyncInvoker: thread id = 1 has started. Total threads = 1
omniORB: giopRendezvouser task execute for giop:tcp:
omniORB: createLocalObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
omniORB: createLocalObjRef -- reusing reference from local ref list.
[repeating above a lot of times]
Checkpointing Phase 2: Commit.
Checkpointing completed.
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