[omniORB] omninames: cannot create a worker fot this endpoint

K.D.Welast at t-online.de K.D.Welast at t-online.de
Wed Oct 11 13:51:24 BST 2006

Hello Bruno,

I'm not sure, but I think it's defined in limit.h see line below.

#define OPEN_MAX        256     /* max # of files a process can have
open */

Sorry I don’t know what is to do if you chance this value. I think you
have to rebuild a lot of software pieces. 

Maybe Duncan or someone else can help to answer this question.

 Best regards

 Mit freundlichen Grüßen
 Kl. D. Welast

 Hellersberstr. 35A
 41460 Neuss
 Tel: +49 2131 166657
 Mobil: +49 171 5638203
 Email: k.d.welast at t-online.de

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:57:02 +0200
Subject: Re: [omniORB] omninames: cannot create a worker fot this
From: Bruno Carlus <b.carlus at ipnl.in2p3.fr>
To: "K.D.Welast at t-online.de" <K.D.Welast at t-online.de>

K.D.Welast at t-online.de a écrit :

> Hello Bruno,
> look to my answers to the subject: "[omniORB] linux, windows 
> communication problem + new". Maybe the same limitation of file handle

> causes the problem.
> Best regards
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Kl. D. Welast
> Hellersberstr. 35A
> 41460 Neuss
> Tel: +49 2131 166657
> Mobil: +49 171 5638203
> Email: k.d.welast at t-online.de
That's maybe my problem...
Is it possible to increase this file limitation. Is that an omniorb


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