[omniORB] Value box factory question

Jason Stelzer jstelzer at healthmarketscience.com
Fri Jul 27 11:41:33 BST 2007

Hello, I have a minor problem with a custom box type in omniORB 4.1.

I've an application that is written in java returning a simple pojo  
with some attributes set. Its serializable and is returning fine. The  
IDL generates correct looking C++ stubs.

The problem is this. The C++ client throws an exception when it tries  
to unmarshall the return value. I believe this is because I need to  
register the value factory with the orb. I'd imagine this would go  
something like

CORBA::ValueFactoryBase_var vf = new PojoFactory();
CORBA::String_var repIdV = ...->id();
orb->register_value_factory(repIdV.in(), vf.in());

However, I'm somewhat confused by the generated code and the user  
docs. Section 13.4 of the user guide says this:

With normal valuetypes, omniidl generates factory classes (with names  
_init) as required by the C++ mapping specification. The application  
is respon-
sible for registering the factories with the ORB.
Unfortunately, the C++ mapping makes no mention of factories for  
value boxes.
In omniORB, factories for value boxes are automatically registered  
with the ORB,
and there are no application-visible factory classes generated for  
them. Some other
CORBA implementations generate application visible factories, and the  
tion does have to register the factories with the ORB.

So, to me, that says I should not need to explicitly register the VF  
but when I trace things it appears otherwise:
omniORB: LocateRequest to remote:  
omniORB: Invoke 'getLmsData' on remote:  
omniORB: No value factory for  
omniORB: throw MARSHAL from valueType.cc:547  

There does appear to be an AddressResults_init class defined, but I  
can't instantiate it.

Lms.cpp:100: error: cannot allocate an object of type  
Lms.cpp:100: error:   because the following virtual functions are  
/usr/include/omniORB4/CORBA_ValueBase.h:210: error:  virtual  
CORBA::ValueBase* CORBA::ValueFactoryBase::create_for_unmarshal()
./AddressResults.hh:233: error:  virtual  

So, would it appear that the IDL is incorrect or do I simply need a  
tip as to how value factories are to be registered in omniorb?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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