[omniORB] omniNames error

Tom O'Reilly oreilly at mbari.org
Tue May 29 12:10:49 BST 2007

Hi Delia,

Awhile back you posted the following at the omniORB mail list:

   I am new to omniORB. When I am trying to start the naming service, I get the
following error:
%omniNames -start
omniORB: Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description:giop:tcp::2809
Failed to initialise the POAs. Is omniNames already running?
I am getting exactly the same error. Did you ever find a solution?Many thanks,Tom--------------------------------------------------
Thomas C. O'Reilly
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, California 95039-9644
831-775-1766 (voice)
831-775-1620 (FAX)
oreilly at mbari.org (email)
http://www.mbari.org (World-wide Web)

"The machine does not isolate man from the great mysteries
 of nature, but plunges him more deeply into them."

     "Wind, Sand, and Stars" (1939)

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