[omniORB] Network performance

Default User defaultuserbr at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 12 09:01:55 GMT 2007

--- Duncan Grisby <duncan at grisby.org> wrote:

> Can you post some more details about what your test is actually
> doing?
> How much data are you sending in each call?  What kind of data is it?
> Are you just doing simple calls, or something more exotic with
> callbacks or something?

I use pretty standard setup from the examples, except that I use
explicit endpoints always, for both client and server.

Here's one example of one the tests.


typedef sequence<double> DoubleArray;
interface FTSService
   short DoubleArrayIn(in DoubleArray array);

Server implementation:

short FTSService_i::DoubleArrayIn(const DoubleArray& array)
   return 0;


//"size" and "iterations" are set by prompts to the user
data = new CORBA::Double[size];

DoubleArray array(size, size, data);
for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j++)
   array[j] = j+1;

InitTimer(); // Our timing method, also tried gettimeofday()

for (long i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
   res = FTSServiceRef->DoubleArrayIn(array);
double t = GetElapsedTime(); //see InitTimer()

printf("\nMessage: %ld Time: %.3f Average: %.8f \n\n", 
       iterations, t, t/iterations);

delete[] data;

> What kind of absolute times do you get for your calls?

I have been running 10000 iterations per data set.

For an array of 10 doubles, I get about .23 seconds total, or an
average of .000023 seconds each.

For 1000 doubles, it's .36/.000036.


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