[omniORB] Single Login to server program

Muro, Sam research at businesstz.com
Mon Aug 2 21:20:13 BST 2010

Duncan Grisby wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-07-31 at 17:54 +0300, Muro, Sam wrote:
>> I am trying to implement a corba program (client) to retrieve customer
>> information from the server. Since the server allow to login once and
>> perform your operations until the lifetime experies, i want the client
>> to
>> use already login connection to perform the retrieve function without
>> login in to the server for every request.
> OK...
>> Suppose retrieve has three functions, logon(), perform() and logoff()
>> Pseudo code;
>> 1. User runs a client application
>> 	./retrieve <corbaloc URI> customerID
>> 2. if the client program has already login, donot login, go to 4
>> 3. Client program login to the server program
>> 4. client program invoke perform(customerID) to retrieve customer
>> information
>> 5. Client program submit customer information to the calling program, in
>> this case, stdio
>> 6. Unless specified, do not logoff
> That makes it look like the client program needs to persist the login
> information between separate runs. Does it?

That is correct.

> [...]
>>   e->Login(username,password,seckey); //NEW seckey WILL BE RETURNED
> You are doing the right kind of thing here. You are returning a
> "security key" from the server, that the client uses in subsequent
> calls. So, to implement what you are talking about, you simply need to
> remember that key somehow. How you do it depends on what is appropriate
> for your application.
> I don't really understand what your question is. You are implementing
> your login mechanism purely in your client and server code, so the fact
> that you are using CORBA isn't particularly relevant. You just need to
> manage the lifetime of your security keys in a way that is appropriate
> for you.

So what you are saying is that this should be a client programing language
issue, in this case C++. Can you tip me the howto. Im now thinking of
writing a keyfile and call to check if the key is still valid.

> As Bruce suggests, it would be possible to do some or all of this behind
> the scenes in the CORBA layer with an implementation of the CORBA
> security service, but there is not an implementation of that for
> omniORB, and anyway, it is over-complicated for your needs as you have
> outlined them.
> Cheers,
> Duncan.

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