AW: [omniORB] Port allocation problem on windows (incl. patch)

Hannes Lerchl hannes.lerchl at
Fri May 7 17:31:01 BST 2010

Hi Duncan,

> SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE doesn't come into it -- that is there to prevent
> other processes stealing a port from the process that specified it, not
> to prevent a process accidentally stealing another process' port.

Our system is a bit different in that it is (also) meant to run on user machines
and waits to be accessed by some client side. So now if the user accidentally
starts two instances things are bad (and we can't detect it which is more bad).

> Your patch to set SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE is definitely not appropriate --
> it will prevent restart of servers after they have crashed.

OK, I see that point.

> I would accept a patch that added a configuration parameter to
> optionally disable the setting of SO_REUSEADDR, so the user can choose
> which of the two problems they would prefer to have.

That'll be sufficient for our system since we already inject some options via
argc/argv. I'm trying to provide such a patch and mail again.

Btw: The omniORBpy has the same problem so it'll also need such a parameter.

Best regards,
Hannes Lerchl

PS: I will be offline for the next two weeks since I'll attend a conference.

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