[omniORB] Newbie question

Sankar S Salvady sankarasubramanian.s at gmail.com
Wed Oct 13 17:39:31 BST 2010


I am a newbie to CORBA, and I am entrusted with a responsibility to provide
a CORBA interface to our clients , for a server-side application that we

The client would be running JAVA, and the server would be in C++. I have
decided to use OmniORB for the C++ part, and I am following the User's guide
in http://omniorb.sourceforge.net/omni40/omniORB/index.html , for guidance:

I created an IDL file dummychannel.idl:

*#ifndef _ChannelAttributes_idl_*
*#define _ChannelAttributes_idl_*
*module ChannelAttributesDefs*
* **// Interface to the Channel attributes *
* **interface channel_attributes*
* **{*
* **//Thrown when authentication fails*
* **exception login_failed {};*
* **//Authentication first, rest later*
* **void login(in string name, in string value, out long session_id)*
* **raises (login_failed); ** *
* **};*

I have a couple of questions regarding this file:
1.  Instead of saying *void login(in string name, in string value, out long
session_id), *if I say,
*          long** login(in string name, in string value), *is it the same ?
If not, could someone help me understand the difference ?

2. According to the guide above, the .h file generated will have a class
like class POA_xxxxxxxxx ,and that will be the skeleton class. But in my
generated file, I do not see  a class like that.
The command I used:
            *omniidl -bcxx -Wbh=.h dummychannel.id*

 I have copy pasted the relvant portion of the generated .h below:

 class channel_attributes;
  class _objref_channel_attributes;
  class _impl_channel_attributes;

  typedef _objref_channel_attributes* channel_attributes_ptr;
  typedef channel_attributes_ptr channel_attributesRef;

  class channel_attributes_Helper {

  class channel_attributes {

             // Other IDL defined within this scope.
             class login_failed : public CORBA::UserException {

  class _objref_channel_attributes :
     public virtual CORBA::Object, public virtual omniObjRef
    void login(const char* name, const char* value, CORBA::Long&
    virtual ~_objref_channel_attributes();

  class _pof_channel_attributes : public _OMNI_NS(proxyObjectFactory) {

  class _impl_channel_attributes :
    public virtual omniServant
    virtual ~_impl_channel_attributes();
    virtual void login(const char* name, const char* value, CORBA::Long&
session_id) = 0;

  public:  // Really protected, workaround for xlC


_CORBA_MODULE POA_ChannelAttributesDefs

  class channel_attributes :
    public virtual ChannelAttributesDefs::_impl_channel_attributes,
    public virtual PortableServer::ServantBase
    virtual ~channel_attributes();

    inline ::ChannelAttributesDefs::channel_attributes_ptr _this() {
      return (::ChannelAttributesDefs::channel_attributes_ptr)


Thank you in anticipation
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