[omniORB] Ways of passing IOR Reference. NamingService ?

Rajesh Khan rajeshkhan808 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 04:24:54 GMT 2011

Hi , i recently constructed two applications a server in C++ which contains
the implementation , and a client in java. Both the applications are on
different computers and so far both work. However the client appication
requires IOR reference of the object to function properly and this IOR is
supplied by the server. Now there a couple of things that i have read and I
am having difficulty putting them altogether during integration such as the
naming service.

Now To avoid constantly inserting the IOR reference in the client , to
function and for the sake of practicality I came up with the following ideas

1-I read that string_to_object also accepts Object URIs (corbaloc and
corbaname) such as following:
*CORBALOC:     corbaloc:iiop:myhost.example.com:1234/MyObjectKey*
CORBANAME:  *corbaname::myhost/NameService#project/example/echo.obj

I am initially planning to go with CORBALOC just to get something working
Now the problem I am facing with CORBALOC is how do i determine what my
object key is . I read that the object key is embedded in the IOR reference
. Which i obtain by:
obj = ObjectNme->_this();
CORBA::String_var x;
x = orb->object_to_string(obj);
cout << x << endl;  --------------------------------This is the IOR.

*Other than the above method I believe the most suitable method to use
would be a naming service. Since it takes you away from managing and
maintaining the IOR .
In this regard I wanted to know if it would be possibe for the C++ server
to binde objects to the naming service with ".id and .kind" names and the
client can access those objects through a particular string passed to the
*string_to_object* parameter ?? if so that would be best and how would that
string look like and an idea on how the server would need to be configured..

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