[omniORB] understanding out parameters and returned values and how to use them

Nutty Loaf nuttyloaf at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 16:05:42 BST 2011

Hi all

I'm new to CORBA and I'm finding it very difficult to understand.

Can anyone please explain with a short example how to use returned values
and out parameters.

For example, I have a Python class to use in the servant code like this:

## servant starts ##

class servicehelper_i (services.servicehelper):

  def __init__ (self):
     self.clientid = None

  def create_client (self, dictClient, template):

         clientid = createClientProcess (dictClient, template)
         self.clientid = clientid
         success = 1
         success = 0

    return success

## servant ends ##

This is the IDL, which I think must have something wrong:

module services
                struct dictClientDetails
                        string company;
                        string contactname;
                        string login;
                        string password;

  interface servicehelper
     boolean create_client (in dictClientDetails client_details, in string
template_name, out long clientid);


The client code I've written is:

### client starts ###

from omniORB import CORBA
import services

orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID)

ior = sys.argv[1]
obj = orb.string_to_object(ior)

objService = obj._narrow (services.servicehelper)

dictClient = services.servicehelper.dictClientDetails ("test_company11",
"testname11", "test11", "mypasswordis11")
result = objService.create_client (dictClient, "Standard")

### client ends ###

How do I access the clientid attribute?

I've tried putting a third argument in the call to create_client but this
doesn't work.

I don't seem to get anything in the "result" variable.

Looks like my code must have lots of mistakes, which I can't identify.

Any help is appreciated.

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