[omniORB] problem - changing giopMaxMsgSize

Frederick Grumieaux frederick.grumieaux at skyline.be
Thu Jun 9 15:10:13 BST 2011

Hi everyone,

I can't change the max message size with the options field in the CORBA::ORB_init() function.
There is only one function in my program that would require big messages and I want to change the max message size programmatory when I would call this function and keep it on the default size otherwise. I found out that the parameter which handles this stuff is named "giopMaxMsgSize" and that it can be read by calling "omniORB::giopMaxMsgSize()". This is however a read parameter and I couldn't find where to set it, until I stumbled upon this site https://idlebox.net/2007/apidocs/omniORB-4.1.0.zip/omniORB/omniORB004.html and discovered that I already implemented 3 other parameters just like it, which seem to work. (verifyObjectExistsAndType, strictIIOP and oneCallPerConnection ).
Unfortunately tough it didn't work.
So I am now hoping that someone of you could tell me how to do it. The code I use can be found below.

This is how the init function is implemented:
extern "C" __declspec (dllexport) void SL_Init(int eid,char* corbaloc,char** errorMessage)
             DCM::DeviceControl_ptr dcm = NULL;
             CORBA::ORB_ptr orb = NULL;

                    //make this function 'thread safe' with other threads using mapORB and mapDCM
                    AutoLock LockORB(mapORB_Lock);
                    AutoLock LockDCM(mapDCM_Lock);

                    //to be sure that the program is initialized: call the init function from the program initializer

                    //Close if still opened (restart)

                    if(mapORB.find(eid) == mapORB.end())
                           const char* options[][2] =
                                   { "verifyObjectExistsAndType", "0" },
                                 {"giopMaxMsgSize","20971520"},//change the max message size to 20MB -> to allow big files for the backup functionality
                                  { 0, 0 }

                           int argc = 0;
                           char* argv = NULL;

                           orb  =  CORBA::ORB_init(argc,&argv,"omniORB4",options);
                           mapORB[eid] = orb;
                           //delete[] options;

                    if(mapDCM.find(eid) == mapDCM.end())
                           CORBA::Object_var obj  =  orb->string_to_object(corbaloc);
                           dcm = DCM::DeviceControl::_unchecked_narrow(obj);
                           mapDCM[eid] = dcm;
                           CORBA::Long clientNumber;
                    *errorMessage = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(strlen(" ")+1);
                    strcpy(*errorMessage," ");

             *errorMessage = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(strlen("unexpected error in login")+1);
             strcpy(*errorMessage,"unexpected error in login");
              ReleaseLinks(eid, orb, dcm);

This is where I want to use it and according to the response I get on this the size is still 2Mb (default ) - the "MARSHAL" exception occurs when calling "dcm->BackupSettings2(scope, output);"

void BackupSettings2(DCM::DeviceControl_ptr dcm, CORBA::UShort scope, unsigned char** byteStream, unsigned long* length, char** Progress)

       *Progress = (char*)CoTaskMemAlloc(5000);
       sprintf(*Progress,"Start\n(Max message size = %lu )\n", omniORB::giopMaxMsgSize());

       *length = 0; //no memory allocated (yet)
       DCM::DeviceControl::ByteStream_var stream;
       dc::ByteStream_out output(stream.out());
       strcat(*Progress, "stream var created\n");
       dcm->BackupSettings2(scope, output);
       strcat(*Progress, "Data retrieved from device.\n");

       /*other code*/


Thanks in advance,
Frederick G.

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