[omniORB] Building on Windows 7 for 32-bit ...

Marcus MacWilliam marcus.macwilliam at 1spatial.com
Fri Jan 25 14:13:03 GMT 2013


Thanks for the help, I have successfully built omniORB 4.1.6
on a Windows 7 machine, in 32-bit using Visual Studio 2010.

I have a couple of Notes, that it may be worth adding to the
README.win32.txt file, for building on Windows 7.

I effectively could not solve the problem of the build failure,
see my other post in reply to your e-mail. I spent a lot of time
trying to edit dir.mk files in an attempt to get the project to
successfully build.

So I deleted my attempt, re-extracted the omniORB-4.16
directory from the zip, and started again.

This time however I did 2 things differently:

1. I previously edited the config.mk and the x86_win32_vs_10.mk
using WordPad, as NotePad treated the entire file as a single line.
So I installed xemacs through Cygwin, and edited the files with
this instead.

I do not know if this made any difference to how the makefiles
were saved, whether or not WordPad added windows style EOL
characters which affected the make system?

2. I used the Security tab on Properties..., for the extracted
omniORB-4.1.6 directory to give myself 'Full Control' of the
directory and all it's sub-files and folders. I also made sure the
'Write' property was also set.

Running the 'make export' then successfully built the entire
structure correctly.

Thanks again,

Marcus A.T MacWilliam, Senior Software Engineer. 1Spatial Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0)1223 420414, ext 2289,    Mob: +44 (0)7803 706597.
E-Mail: marcus.macwilliam at 1spatial.com Skype:marcus.macwilliam

Tennyson House, 7 Cambridge Business Park, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ.
Registered in England No. 4785688,     VAT Reg. No. 135539408.
Website: http://www.1spatial.com/    E-mail: info at 1spatial.com

On 24/01/13 16:51, Duncan Grisby wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-01-24 at 15:28 +0000, Marcus MacWilliam wrote:
>> I have downloaded OmniORB 4.1.6 from here.
> The link you give is for a 64 bit build of omniORB. There isn't a 32 bit
> build available so you have to get the source and compile it.
>> I have downloaded Python 2.7.3 from here.
> I think that's the 32 bit Python installer.
> You should download the omniORB source from here:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/omniorb/files/omniORB/omniORB-4.1.6/omniORB-4.1.6.tar.bz2/download
> and the 32-bit Python from here:
> http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/python-2.7.3.msi
> Install a recent cygwin, then build according to the instructions in
> README.win32.txt. Make sure your path is set up right for the 32 bit
> compiler. The easiest way to do that is to use Start -> All Programs ->
> Microsoft Visual Studio -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio Command
> Prompt. That makes sure your environment is set for the right tools.
> Duncan.

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