[omniORB] Run Time Error Omniorb4

Stacey Van Colen stacey.van.colen at skyline.be
Tue Nov 5 08:15:11 GMT 2013


We have multiple systems that use the same program code that uses a custom dll that on his turn then uses the Omniorb4 dll, on all but one this runs smoothly.
The one system that gives problems throws run time errors after a certain amount of time. This can be 30 minutes or 2 days.
There are several elements on each system that all use the same dll.

With logging we saw that the problem occurred in one of the two following lines of code:

CORBA::Object_var obj  =  orb->string_to_object(corbaloc);
dcm = D9036::DeviceControl::_unchecked_narrow(obj);

Would you know any situations where either of these two used lines would result in a Run Time Error?


Stacey Van Colen | System Developer
Techsupport +32 51 33 19 25
Skype stacey.van.colen.skyline<callto://stacey.van.colen.skyline/>
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