[omniORB] omniorb and python 3.7 on windows

Michael Teske subscribe at teskor.de
Mon Oct 14 12:44:55 BST 2019


I just tried to get omniORB 4.2.3 to compile with Python 3.7 on windows.
Unnfortunately Python installs per default to
PYTHON = "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/Python37/python"
when installing for "all users". Trying to use that setting does not 
work, even if I add some extra '' in python.mk, because clwrapper does 
an EscapeDoubleQuotes(argv[i]), which replaces all " with \", which 
cl.exe does not understand. Apparently, this is necessary for 
-DIDLMODULE_VERSION, so the "" there don't get removed.
Anyway, no idea how to resolve that consistently, but maybe we should 
include a note int the readme that one should not install python in a 
path with spaces...


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