[omniORB] macOS flat_namespace linker option

安藤慶昭 n-ando at aist.go.jp
Sun Nov 14 14:39:33 UTC 2021

Dear Duncan and omniORB users,

I would like to propose removing -flat_namespace linker options for macOS.

I'm currently using omniORB on macOS with Homebrew, and I would like to
update homebrew's formula (build script) for new Python 3.10 update.
However, Homebrew's build check tool (brew audit) returns the following warning.

  * Libraries were compiled with a flat namespace.

    This can cause linker errors due to name collisions, and

    is often due to a bug in detecting the macOS version.











Now the old technology "flat namespace" only for backward compatibility for
Mac OS X 10.0 (Cheetah) is not recommended and is unnecessary.


Therefore, I suggest modifying the makefile for macOS according to the following patch.


Python modules require "--undefined dynamic_lookup" option, but other
omniORB libraries can be linked without any "--undefined" options.
I'm using binaries with these modifications applied, but for now, there's nothing wrong with it.

Best regards,
Noriaki Ando

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