[omniORB] Marshalling issue on Windows with DevLong64

Benjamin Bertrand benjamin.bertrand at maxiv.lu.se
Tue Mar 21 12:53:12 UTC 2023


We found some issue with the omniorb library compiled on conda-forge for Windows (4.2.5) with cpptango.
If a client sends a DevLong64 in BigEndian, it is incorrectly converted.
It works fine if LittleEndian is used.

I reproduced that with jive (tango client using java always talk in BigEndian) with TangoTest.
Sending 1000 as DevLong64 returns -24 instead of 1000.

This issue is specific to the conda-forge build.
It was built from a fork using cmake (https://github.com/beenje/omniORB-cmake) as the original build system was difficult to make work with conda (https://dev.azure.com/conda-forge/84710dde-1620-425b-80d0-4cf5baca359d/_apis/build/builds/648574/logs/106).
I assume the problem comes from that. Trying to compare the compilation logs or generated files, I couldn’t find anything obvious.
I have been trying to recompile locally but without much luck so far.

Is there anything obvious (incorrect flags?) that could explain this issue?
Asking in case someone would have some pointers to help.


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