[omniORB] omniSSL Behavior when CERT/Key-Files vanished

Nico Lochner lochner at ixus.de
Thu Mar 23 15:33:07 UTC 2023


In my customers environment it happens sometimes that the CERT and/or the
Key-File, that's used by omniORB are vanished. They are either deleted or
neither accessible because of missing File-Rights. What's the expected
behavior in omniORB SSL-Layer on such Events? It seems to by an handled
situation in openSSL-Libs, but omniORB will probably notice the loss of the
files somewhat later, when connection must be re-established. Are there any
check implemented? (I haven’t seen any CORBA-Exception in cases like this).
I'm still struggling sometimes with crashes in SSL_read/SSL_write - see my
Message from last year April "omniORB 4.3.0 C++ - SegFault in
omni::sslConnection::Send/SSL_write" oh this list.

Thanks for hints or explanations!


 Nico Lochner           lochner at ixus.de
 iXus Technologiedienstleistungen  GmbH
 Potsdamer Str. 86,        10785 Berlin
www.ixus.de       Tel: 030-240 84 68-0
SteuerNr. 30/360/33081 UstID DE202620190
Handelsregister:               HRB 72303
beim Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Sitz der Gesellschaft:          Berlin
 vertreten durch die Geschaeftsfuehrer
    Nico Lochner, Sascha Wuerzburg
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