Hirarchy of Naming Services

Emmanuel Saint-Loubert saintlou@tumbleweed.com
Wed, 04 Jun 1997 12:27:14 -0700

Hello Malte,

While I have not tried with OmniORB this is possible with any compliant
Naming Service. Namely you can federate any number of naming services
you want because any object of a Naming Service (i.e. Context or Object)
is also CORBA object, which can be bound in any other naming Service
(even from a different vendor if they all 'speak' IIOP). QED.

-- Emmanuel R. Saint-Loubert         saintlou@tumbleweed.com
   Tumbleweed Software Corp.       http://www.tumbleweed.com
   2010 Broadway                            Tel 415-569-3676
   Redwood City, CA 94063                   Fax 415-369-7197