[omniORB] static/dll MSVC with omniORB

Guy Trudel gtrudel@mediatrix.com
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 15:53:42 -0500

>From README.win32:

c) Set up macros and libraries:

    1. Under Build->Settings, select the "C/C++" tab.
    2. In the "Category" box, select "C++ Language". Tick the 
        "Enable exception handling" box.
    3. In the "Category" box, select "Code Generation". In the 
        "Use run-time library" box, select "Multithreaded DLL".
    4. **This is an import step.** 
       In the "Category" box, select "Preprocessor". In the
        "Preprocessor" box, add the macros __WIN32__,__x86__.
       If this is NT 4.0, add the macros __NT__ and __OSVERSION__=4 as well.
    5. Select the "Link" tab.
    6. In the "Category" box, select "Input". In the "Object/library
       box, add the following libraries: wsock32.lib, advapi32.lib, 
       omniORB280_rt.lib, omnithread2_rt.lib

   If you are building a debug executable, the debug version of the
   omniORB280_rtd.lib and omnithread2_rtd.lib should be used.

d) Your project is now set up, and you can build it.

If you want to use the static versions of omniORB2 and omnithread, you must
add the macro _WINSTATIC (see step (c) 4, above), and replace the libraries
omniORB2_rt.lib and omnithread2_rt.lib with omniORB2.lib and omnithread.lib 
(see step (c) 6, above).