[omniORB] -ORBInitialHost and -ORBInitialPort parameters in omniORB 4.0.7 version

Alonso Matellan, Silvia salonso at endesa.es
Tue Mar 7 11:40:50 GMT 2006


I'm new to omniORB CORBA distribution and I am trying to do some tests with it, a third part application and a server that we have developed. Our server is responsible for register some objects in omniORB server that the third part app will use later. 
I have downloaded omniORB 4.0.7 version and I am running it using  -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaname::espmadf028730:1234 parameter in a Win2000. All works fine with our server and omniORB, but it seems that the third part app is not be able to get omniORB. Third part app developers had made their own tests with omniORB 3.0.3
and running it using -ORBInitialHost and -ORBInitialPort. I've tryied to run omniORB 4.0.7 using them, but I couldn't. Is there any way to run ominORB 4.0.7 using these parameters? (I've have read that they are obsolete http://www.omniorb-support.com/pipermail/omniorb-list/2001-August/018976.html). If not, could you please tell me where can I get 3.0.3 version (I haven't found it in omniORB download page)?.
Thanks in advance, 
Silvia Alonso.
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