omniORB mailing list

There is an omniORB mailing list, where you can ask questions about using omniORB, report bugs, and discuss CORBA usage in general. To prevent spam, you must be a member of the list to post to it. Please do not try to post to the list if you have not subscribed, because your message will just be discarded.

Go to this page to subscribe, unsubscribe or change your subscription details.

Warning: gmail has extremely aggressive email filtering and keeps blocking email from the omniORB mailing list. If at all possible, do not subscribe from a gmail address.

There is a lot of useful information in the mailing list archive.

To search the list, use a Google site specific search.

If you are interested in the development of omniORB itself, rather than just using it, you may want to subscribe to the omniORB-dev mailing list, or read the archives.